Level 2 -95 Hour Children's Yoga Teacher Certification Nov-Dec 2024

Become a Certified Children's Yoga Teacher with an Emphasis on Inclusion and Accessibility

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Asanas for Autism and Special Needs 70-hour Level 2 Training to equal a 95-hour Children's Yoga Certification with an emphasis on Making Yoga and Mindfulness Inclusive and Accessible to Children and Teens of Diverse Needs and Backgrounds

PRE-REQUISITE: Must complete the Level 1 - Yoga for Children (Autism, Neurodiversity & Diverse Needs) training prior to taking the Level 2 training.

REGISTER FOR THE LEVEL 1 ONLINE TRAINING September 25th - October 6th prior to the Level 2!


November 16th - December 29th, 2024

Cost: $1,200.00

Early Bird Pricing: $1,100.00 if registered by November 3rd, 2024

Payment Plan is also available: Please go to enroll in course for details.

Please note registration for the course is non-refundable for any and all reasons. By registering for and paying for the course you are acknowledging that there will be no refunds given. Should there be a conflict with timing or for any reason the training would need to be cancelled, you will have the option to transfer to a future course for a $50 rescheduling fee.

Join our 8 week course with a combination of online learning, videos, webinars, lectures and in person Zoom meetings with the lead trainer and group participants. Please review the mandatory Zoom meeting times below.

Trainees will learn and practice:

  • Child Development: Physical, Cognitive and Social/Emotional Developmental stages for children ages 5-17 years, including non-typical developmental stages and how that applies to children with special needs.
  • ANS: Autonomic Nervous System, Fight/Flight/Freeze and how unmanaged stress and trauma impact the developing brain as well as physical, mental and social/emotional well being.
  • Yoga Philosophy: as it applies to working with children, including children with special needs. How to teach and integrate the 8 Limbs of Yoga in your own life as well as your children's yoga lessons and classes. Chakras, Mudras & Chanting.
  • Workshop with Pediatric Physical Therapist: Anatomy and physiology related specifically to each level of child development with a focus on modifications and adaptations for children with special needs.
  • Asanas, Pranayama and Visualization Strategies: Including modifications and adaptations for children with special needs. Suggestions for specific poses and breathing strategies to support the needs of children with sensory integration difficulties as well as language processing disorders/difficulties, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), Down Syndrome, Prader Willi, Fragile X, Cerebral Palsy, ADD/ADHD, LD and other developmental disabilities as well as children with behavior challenges, trauma and anxiety. Special emphasis on sensory processing and teaching children self-regulation and how to cope with anxiety and difficult emotions.
  • Teaching Methodology: Teaching and Developing yoga-based lesson plans, activities, games, songs, stories, group lessons and individual/private sessions for children of all abilities.. Understanding specific teaching approaches and strategies for each developmental stage and learning style.Participants will learn specific teaching approaches, use of voice and tone, structuring a group class, implementing positive behavior supports and programming, developing a yoga-based curriculum and structuring individual/private sessions to meet the specific developmental needs of the group or child to include active and restorative asanas as well as chair yoga in a variety of settings including home, studio and classroom settings.
  • Workshop with Music Therapist: The benefits of music therapy, music and sound and finding and connecting to your authentic voice with Sita Rose
  • The "Business of Yoga" - How to connect to and manifest your dreams, develop attainable goals and create/grow your yoga business.
  • Observation & Practice Teaching.
  • Final Project: Creating/Developing your own class/lesson plan weaving in the teaching from throughout the training.

Great For...

  • Yoga Teachers
  • Pediatric Physical Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech Therapists
  • Behavior Specialists
  • Educators
  • Therapists
  • Mental Health Practitioners
  • Social Workers
  • Pediatric or School Nurses
  • Parents
  • A.P.E. Teachers
  • Anyone who is passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with children of all abilities.


Participants must have completed the 25-hour Level 1 training. Upon completion of the training, trainees who are 200 hr RCYT's will be qualified as Children's Yoga Teachers and will be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as RCYT's, Registered Children's Yoga Teachers. All participants who complete this training will be certified as Children's Yoga Teachers with an emphasis on making yoga and mindfulness INCLUSIVE and ACCESSIBLE to children of diverse abilities.

Zoom meetings one weekend day every week throughout the course. Please see which day you would be attending Zoom meetings based on your time zone. Attendance in the meetings is required for completion of the Level 2 Certificate.

(Please note, we will not have Zoom meetings the weekend of November 23rd)

*It is not an option to choose between group 1 and group 2 - your group is designated based on the country and time zone you are in

Group 1 - Saturdays throughout the course from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm PST - must attend the meetings online

Global Time Zones:

United States (please see the times in your state)


PDT 9am-1pm

MDT 10am-2pm

ADT 1pm-5pm

EDT 12pm-4pm

Brazil: 1pm-5pm

Greece: 7pm-11pm

Europe: 5pm-9pm

Germany: 6pm-10pm

Netherlands: 6pm-10pm

France: 6pm-10pm

India: 9:30pm-1:30pm

Israel: 7:00pm-11:00pm

Poland: 6:00pm-10:00pm

Italy: 6:00pm-10:00pm

Please See the course Syllabus below with Zoom meeting tentative schedule.

Group 2 - Participants will watch the recordings from Group 1 and will meet via Zoom with Shawnee and the group on the dates and time listed below. Only those who are in this these time zones have this option.

Please check your time zone and accurate time to correlate with the dates and times below

November 30th - 3-6 pm PST

December 14th- 3-6 pm PST

December 28th - 3-6 pm PST

Global Time Zones for Group 2:

Australia: (Saturday PST is Sunday in Australia)

AEST - 8:00am - 11:00am

AEDT - 9:00am - 12:00pm

ACDT - 8:30am -11:30am

ACST - 7:30am - 10:30am

China: 6am-9am

Japan: 7am-10am

Brazil: 5pm-8pm

Dates: November 16th - December 29th, 2024

This 8 week course will be a combination of online self-paced learning and group learning and connection via Zoom meetings. Please Note: You will be required to attend the scheduled Zoom meetings. Zoom meetings are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays (1 weekend day per week) throughout the course for different time zones.

Please See the course Syllabus below with Zoom meeting tentative schedule.

Access to full Course Curriculum will be November 13th

Sample Course Syllabus

Lesson 1

Building Trust and Connection

  • Attachment & Learning
  • Connection
  • Resonance
  • Attunement

Lesson 2

Stages of Development

  • Birth to Age 18

Lesson 3


  • Skeletal System, Movement & Asana
  • Developmental Milestones
  • Therapeutic Considerations for Specific Needs

Lesson 4

Exploring Poses and Benefits/Effects of Poses

  • Asanas, Benefits & Effects
  • Developing Inclusive and Accessible Classes
  • Restorative Yoga

Lesson 5

The 8 Senses, The Brain, Yoga & Multi-Sensory Approach

  • Tapping into the 5 Senses
  • Sensory Processing and the Brain
  • Interoception
  • How to teach through a multi-sensory approach

Lesson 6

The 8 Limbs of Yoga applied to Children

  • Yamas & Niyamas

Lesson 7


  • Asanas & Sounds
  • Activities
  • Games

Lesson 8

Developing Thematic Yoga Classes/Lessons

  • Exploring Themes
  • Practice Teaching

Lesson 9

Yoga Games and Activities

  • Games/Activities based on age/stage
  • Props & Tools

Lesson 10

Yoga Stories

  • Books & Stories
  • Creating Yoga Stories

Lesson 11

Teacher Authenticity

  • Journaling
  • Music Therapy Workshop

Lesson 12

Developing 1:1 Sessions

  • Assessing Needs
  • Working with Parent
  • Creating 1:1 Programs

Lesson 13

Business of Yoga

  • Manifesting and Getting Clear on Vision of Yoga Business
  • Setting up a Yoga Business
  • Building Your Yoga Business
  • Goal Setting

Lesson 14

Final Project

End of Course

  • Qualifications
  • Resources
  • Closing/Graduation

Zoom Meeting Schedule

Please note - there will not be a zoom meeting for November 23rd -- Group will watch a recording of Pediatric Anatomy lecture

November 16th - Group 1: 9am-1pm PST

  • Introductions
  • Meditation
  • Journaling Prompt
  • Overview of Course & Final Project
  • Content Review - Sensory Processing & the Brain
  • Closing

November 30th - Group 1: 9am-1pm PST

  • Meditation
  • Journaling prompt
  • Group Work - Developing Inclusive and Accessible Classes
  • Closing

December 7th - Group 1: 9am-1pm PST

  • Meditation
  • Journaling prompt
  • Content Review - 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • Workshop with Music Therapist
  • Closing

December 14th - Group 1: 9am-1pm PST

  • Meditation
  • Journaling prompt
  • Content Review - Chakras
  • Practice Teaching - Developing 1:1 Classes/Sessions with Themes & Stories
  • Closing

December 21st - Group 1: 9am-1pm PST

  • Meditation
  • Journaling prompt
  • Business of Children's Yoga
  • Final Project Presentations
  • Closing

December 28th- Group 1: 9am-1pm PST

  • Meditation
  • Journaling prompt
  • Business of Children's Yoga
  • Final Project Presentations
  • Closing/Graduation

Group 2 will watch the Group 1 recordings and meet on these dates and times (if the group is small the hours may be adjusted)

November 30th - 3-6 pm PST

December 14th - 3-6 pm PST

December 28th - 3-6 pm PST

Your Instructor

Shawnee Thornton Hardy
Shawnee Thornton Hardy

Shawnee is a C-IAYT -Certified Yoga Therapist, Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, M.Ed., and Educational/Behavioral Specialist. She is the Founder of Asanas for Autism and Special Needs and the Founder/Director of Yoga Therapy for Youth Certification Program. Shawnee has worked with children and adults with and complex and diverse needs for 30 years. She has specialized in working with children and adults with neurodiverse needs, sensory processing challenges, communication differences, developmental disabilities, mental health challenges and trauma backgrounds. Shawnee works with private clients of all brains, bodies and abilities to facilitate health and healing. Her goal is to bring the experience of yoga to all individuals no matter their differences or challenges.

She has written two published a books, Asanas for Autism and Special Needs – Yoga to Help Children with Their Emotions, Self-Regulation and Body Awareness and her second book - Yoga Therapy for Children and Teens.- Embodying a Somatosensory Approach to Mental, Physical and Emotional Wellbeing has just recently been published and is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! She is also the creator of the C.A.L.M.M Yoga Toolkit and Body Sensations Curriculum.

She has a Yoga School through Yoga Alliance in order to train others in yoga approaches to support children and adults with neurodiverse needs and children and adults with complex needs needs and travels globally to share her teachings. Shawnee is dedicated to helping support youth and adults in developing strategies to cope with stress in order to live happier, healthier more empowered lives.

Shawnee has experienced first hand the benefits yoga and somatic practices can provide to health and overall well-being as she is a survivor of childhood trauma as well as multiple significant traumas in her adulthood, resulting in a diagnosis of PTSD. She is also a cancer survivor. She has a unique combination of understanding neurodiversity, developmental disability, trauma and other complex needs and knowing how to support people of all ages in connecting to their authentic self and building more capacity and resilience in order to live life in a more embodied and empowered way.

Shawnee has led several workshops at major conferences both in the US and Internationally; including MISTY (Montreal International Symposium for Yoga Therapy) and IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists) SYTAR Conference on Yoga for Sensory Processing and Self-Regulation for children with ASD, BOOST Conference (Best Out of School Time) on Yoga for Children with Special Needs , Yoga and Mindfulness for Youth and Yoga to Reduce Stress and Increase Relaxation for Educators. TRUST Conference (Teens Understanding and Reflecting Stigma Together) on Learning to Breath, Yoga and Mindfulness for Teens, including teens struggling with mental illness and UCSD Bridging the Hearts and Minds of Youth Conference on Yoga and Mindfulness for Sensory Integration and Self-Regulation.

Shawnee has written for and has had her work featured in several magazines,podcasts and online resources. See media features here.

Shawnee also offers private and small group therapeutic sessions for children and adults as well as yoga and somatic movement workshops and trainings through her company Embodied Wellness Yoga Therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course begins November 16th and ends December 29th
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. please note there is no control over unexpected circumstances with the platform. Please count on having access for 1 year following the course.
Can I apply outside trainings to the 95-hours through Asanas for Autism and Special Needs?
We do not accept hours from outside trainings.
Do I have to attend the Zoom Meetings?
Yes, you are required to be in attendance for all scheduled Zoom meetings.
What are the pre-requisites to take this course?
The completion of the Level 1 course is a pre-requisite to take this course.
Will I have contact with the lead instructor and other participants for this course?
Yes, you will have 28 hours of contact via Zoom with Shawnee and the group over the 8 week period.
Is this course refundable once I register?
Registration is non-refundable for any and all reasons. Should there be a conflict with time and scheduling once you register you have the option to transfer your registration to a future course. There is not an option to transfer registration once you have received access to the curriculum.
Will I receive a Certificate following this course?
Yes. Once you complete the requirements for the course you will receive a 95-hour Children's Yoga Teacher Certification with an emphasis on Making Yoga and Mindfulness Inclusive and Accessible to Children of Diverse Abilities and Backgrounds.
Is this course appropriate for me if I don't plan on teaching children with special needs?
We believe that all children have special needs and learn in different ways. The tools you learn in this training will prepare you to have the confidence and skills to teach yoga to all children.
Are there options for continued education courses with Shawnee?
Yes! Join the upcoming 100-hour Level 3 - Yoga Therapy for Youth Training online January 2025! Those who complete the Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Trainings with Shawnee receive a 200 hour Certificate in Yoga and Mindfulness for Children and Youth with Complex Needs.

Get started now!