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From Anxious to Embodied and Empowered
Welcome to the Course! (4:17)
Course Participation Agreement
What To Expect
Community Connection
Trauma Defined
Definition of Trauma
Shock Trauma
Developmental Trauma
Intergenerational Trauma
Collective Trauma
Self Reflection
Test Your Learning
What is ACE's?
ACE Study
ACE'S questionnaire
Inner Child Meditation Practice (10:09)
Test Your Learning
Impact of Trauma and Unmanaged Stress on a Child's Development and Experience with the World Around Them
Polyvagal Theory & Nervous System States (31:17)
Ventral Vagal State & Social Engagement
Fight/Flight (10:58)
Freeze (10:33)
Test Your Learning
How Trauma Impacts our Sensory Processing Systems
Sensory Processing and Trauma (30:01)
Sensory Integration Video Practice (14:16)
Test your learning
Trauma Sensitive Approach
How to Work with Children through a Trauma Informed Lens
Attachment Theory Explained
Attachment Theory (17:41)
Self Reflection
Test Your Learning
What is Somatic Experiencing?
What is Somatic Experiencing?
SE, Yoga and Somatic Practices (28:10)
Self Reflection
Test Your Learning
Building Connection and Attunement
Activities to Build Connection (17:20)
Creating a Container of Safety
Connection to Their Essential Self
Self Reflection
Test Your Learning
Anxiety and Depression Amongst Our Youth
Prevalence and Causes
Symptoms & Similarities
Working with Anxiety & Depression (7:18)
Interoception, Self-Regulation and Safety
Interoception, Self-Regulation and Safety (7:06)
Exploring, Expressing and Releasing Difficult Emotions (13:14)
Somatic Practices to Increase Interoceptive Awareness (6:47)
Yoga and Somatic Practices for Up-regulation (1:44)
Yoga and Somatic Practices for Down-regulation (1:25)
Working with Boundaries, Self Agency and Self Empowerment through Yoga, Somatic Movement, Breath, Vocalization and Visualization
Working with Boundaries, Self Empowerment & Self Agency (1:38)
Embracing & Embodying our "Animal Nature"
Nature and Ventral Vagal Connection
Building Capacity and Coherence through Connection with Nature
Additional Learning Opportunities and Resources
Additional Learning Opportunities
Teach online with
Intergenerational Trauma
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