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Level 1 - Yoga for Children (Autism, Neurodiversity & Diverse Needs) October 2023
Registration & Daily Zoom Meeting Requirements
Zoom meeting info
Welcome to Level 1 - Yoga for Children with Autism and Special Needs!
What to expect in this course
About the instructor
Intention Statement
Welcome! (3:11)
Course Manual
Benefits of Yoga for Children with Special Needs
Who Can Yoga Benefit?
Common Challenges
Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness
Test Your Learning
Sensory Processing and the 8 Senses
Sensory Processing Introduction (30:58)
Test Your Learning
Body Awareness
Body Awareness Introduction
Right and Left
Practice Video (14:26)
Test Your Learning
Asanas/Yoga Poses
Setting up the Environment
Building Connection, Mirroring, Attunement and Co-regulation (4:25)
Categories of Poses and Contraindications
Calming Poses and Variations (35:34)
Restorative Poses (24:42)
Energizing Poses and Variations (19:29)
Standing and Balancing Poses Practice Video (32:13)
Kundalini Yoga Practice Video (8:04)
Chair Poses (18:10)
Yoga Poses for Vestibular Input
Yoga Poses for Proprioceptive Input
Yoga Poses for Crossing and Coming to the Midline
Yoga Poses for Core Strengthening
Motor Planning and Bi-lateral Coordination - Accessing Both Side of the Body
Test Your Learning
Supporting Complex Needs
Supporting Complex Needs Introduction
Adaptations, Modifications and Contraindications for Specific Needs/Challenges
Children with Cerebral Palsy
Children with Down Syndrome and Prader Willi
Children with Autism and ADHD
Hypermobility and Low/High Tone
Hyperactive/High Arousal
Motor Apraxia, Speech Apraxia and Dyspraxia
Test Your Learning
Breathing Strategies and Visualization Strategies
Breathing Strategies and Visualization Strategies Introduction
Fight/Flight/Freeze Response
Video Practice (40:18)
Calming (Down-regulating) Breathing Strategies
Energizing/Alerting (Up-regulating) Breathing Strategies
Releasing Difficult Emotions through the Breath
Core Activation
Cause/Effect Breathing Activities and Tools (13:06)
Test Your Learning
Guided Imagery, Visualization and Meditation for Children
Guided Imagery, Visualization and Meditation for Children Introduction
Meditation/Concentration Activities
Chants & Sounds (Secular)
Video Practice (15:20)
Test Your Learning
Developing Lesson Plans, Yoga Games & Activities
Developing Yoga Based Lesson Plans
Structuring Your Yoga Classes by Age & Stage of Development
Video Practice (11:59)
Yoga Games and Activities
Test Your Learning
Behavior Management
Behavior Management
Test Your Learning
Teach online with
Calming (Down-regulating) Breathing Strategies
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